HOTGLUE page by Domenica Muilwijk
What is soil erosion?

Soil erosion is the natural process of soil loss that starts in the upper layer of the earth. While erosion is a natural process, it has been heavily accelerated and largely increased by anthropic, or human, actions

Why is it important? What does soil erosion effect?

Soil erosion is of extreme importance for humans because life on earth (of any type) depends on photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process that converts sunlight into chemical energy on which any type of life depends for its existence. The entire food chain is settled on photosynthesis.

Photosynthesis occurs when living organisms that contain chlorophyll, the green pigment that allows plants to absorb energy, is created. Chlorophyll is found in plants. These plants require soil to settle and grow. The soil provides nutrients and water to grow. The richest part of the soil is the upper layer, which erosion destroys.